Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 02 | Page 37

FEATURE: NURTURING LOCAL PRESENCE permanent employees. As they have been trained as per our company policies and best-practices, they require little or no time to ramp up their skills and rapidly turn into contributing team members. Developing a culturally diversified workforce The population of the Middle East is extremely diversity as the region is home to expats from all parts of the world. Because of this, more often than not things go better, deals close faster and projects go smoother if you “match-make” the customer and service provider on many levels including the obvious professional requirements and less obvious things like people’s backgrounds, cultures, languages. One of the subtle factors to Help AG’s success is that we realised the value of diversification of the workforce from the onset and today we have an outstanding mix of employees of 35 nationalities among 130 employees. Paying employees sufficiently and ensuring that they are content in their jobs goes a long way in addressing this challenge. At Help AG, we have found that looking abroad is also a good way to find the right talent. While it might mean having to provide higher salaries, it is worth the investment to ensure you employ the right people. After all, the saying, ‘If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys’ holds true! Another initiative that we have found to be particular effective has been our internship program. Not only does this give back to the IT community at large, we have been able to successfully absorb a number of interns into our organisation as Y