Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 102 | Page 56


How has AI evolved over the years and days shaped the cybersecurity landscape ?
The cybersecurity industry has been an early adopter and testing ground for many AI use cases that help define the possibilities and challenges that technology delivers . This is due to the increasing complexity of analysing larger amounts of data generated by today ’ s modern enterprise . What has evolved recently is how AI is being used by both defenders and threat actors . The benefits of automatically detecting and responding to threats provide a competitive advantage to defenders as it continuously evolves , however , organisations need to be patient and understand that we are still in the early of this revolution and are yet to scratch the surface on the full potential of AI in the cybersecurity landscape .
For example , the recent explosion in the use of large language models ( LLMs ) had a direct impact on cybersecurity . LLM ’ s best application for defenders so far , in its current state of maturity , has been the ability to help human security analysts with the summarisation and synthesis of existing information . We found that their ability to create detections by discerning between legitimate and malicious behaviours was weak in our initial tests but validated that these language models can deliver powerful context , insights and next steps to help accelerate investigation and educate analysts .
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