Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 102 | Page 7



Greetings to the readers of Intelligent CIO Middle East . In this month ’ s lead feature we consider the importance of Artificial Intelligence for the regional cyber security industry . The cybersecurity industry has been an early adopter and testing ground for many AI use cases that help define the possibilities and challenges that technology delivers , says Basil Shahin at Corelight .

What has evolved recently is how both defenders and threat actors are using AI . The benefits of automatically detecting and responding to threats provide a competitive advantage to defenders as it continuously evolves . However , organisations need to be patient and understand that we are still in the early days of this revolution and are yet to scratch the surface on the full potential of AI in the cybersecurity landscape .
Heavy workloads and a significant talent gap also leave cybersecurity teams in a double bind . Analysts can be locked down in repetitive tasks that do little to help these professionals learn new skills to deepen their experience and value to their organisations .
Meanwhile , budget cuts , hiring freezes and an insufficient number of developing professionals in educational pipelines have perpetuated the talent gap , even as the gross size of the cybersecurity workforce expands .
The talent shortage and overwork of SOC teams are ongoing chronic problems that lead to inefficient use of resources , critical gaps in enterprise security and analysts lacking time and tools to enhance skills and develop new capabilities .
Even for organisations that enjoy sufficient resources and cybersecurity talent , the volume and complexity of the datasets created by expanding networks , new endpoints and increasingly complex supply chains and working environments has outstripped the analytic capabilities of humans . To keep pace with these developments , security and IT teams must harness the power of AI .
Turn these pages to read more about the how regional enterprises can adopt AI and improve their cybersecurity readiness .
Regional enterprises are struggling with the challenge of using their data to help them run their businesses better . With data architecture and data storage systems becoming a critical part of digital transformation and AI journeys , what are some of the best practices regional enterprises should adopt for data and storage ? Executives from Cloudera , Cloud Box Technologies , NetApp , Pure Storage , respond on this question .
Wishing you the best of business results in the month ahead .
Arun Shankar Managing Editor arun @ lynchpinmedia . com
www . intelligentcio . com INTELLIGENTCIO MIDDLE EAST 7