Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 102 | Page 80

Oliver Wyman ’ s business is built on trust , and Haddad and his team must demonstrate that they can present their clients with clear and cuttingedge thinking . their organisation , and by extension for employees , customers , and for society as a whole .
Which non-competitive business in the region do you admire for innovative usage of technology ?
Many businesses in the region have achieved incredible things . Haddad admires entrepreneurs across the region who are moving in leaps and bounds and innovating in different areas , solving people ’ s everyday problems , and building local talent while doing it .
Haddad said that it is great to see so many homegrown businesses – especially many e-commerce players – expanding across the region and beyond . Oliver Wyman is also proud to work with local businesses and support initiatives from governments in the region to promote economic diversification and the growth of the SME sector . and exceeding expected outcomes , and encourages its clients to use whichever solutions are best suited to help them achieve their aims .
Technologies come and go , but Oliver Wyman maintains a sharp focus on the business and that often means that special attention is given not only to technologies like AI , cloud , Edge , and 5G , but also to data , talent , and skills .
Recent research from Oliver Wyman revealed that while the use of AI is surging amongst UAE employees , employers need to make greater efforts to train and engage employees about its use . The survey , titled How Generative AI is Transforming Business and Society , revealed that the UAE is among the leading countries in the world for deploying generative AI , but also flagged up some of the challenges this pioneering role is creating .
For example , in total , 74 % of UAE employees say that use AI in the workplace every week , while 91 % would like their employer to offer training in the use of AI tools in the workplace . In contrast , 84 % of UAE employees currently receive training in AI , which is above the global average , but still shows significant room for improvement .
Haddad said that with the UAE taking a leadership position in AI , it is vital for employers to keep pace with the technology and understand exactly how it impacts their company , and how to best integrate it into their processes and practices .
This research underscores the readiness of employees to utilise AI , while also alerting employers of the need to take control of the situation to ensure AI works for
How do you think time off will transform in the metaverse and in the digital world , say in the next 5 – 10 years ?
There is a good chance people will live not in the metaverse , but rather in a mixed-verse , where they will use a combination of technologies such as digital twins , augmented reality and metaverse technology to enhance experiences , according to Haddad . As an example , Haddad said it is useful to think of a smart city operating a real-time digital twin of all assets and people within it .
For example , real-time traffic control decisions using AI , and responding to emergencies as they happen , using advanced forecasting and sensing capabilities . Of course , individuals will no doubt also benefit from these innovations , some for gaming and entertainment and others to conduct real-life business in a virtual environment .
Which aspects of your job do you find rewarding and which challenging ?
Haddad insists that the most rewarding aspect of his job is the impact it has on people , clients , and beneficiaries alike . He adds that very often , the most challenging aspects of the job are also the most rewarding .
For example , going into a business and getting to know the team , understanding the challenges they face , and working with them to unlock potential and help their company fulfil its potential . This is challenging work that is also always hugely rewarding for Haddad and his team . p
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