Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 105 | Page 76

t cht lk high levels of ransomware activities , with the oil , gas sector , health systems and banks being primary targets .

t cht lk high levels of ransomware activities , with the oil , gas sector , health systems and banks being primary targets .

Cyber threats in the Middle East and Africa have skyrocketed in 2023 , with a staggering 68 % increase in ransomware attacks on financial services companies and real estate firms . The rise in popularity of IoT in the region calls for heightened vigilance against ransomware attacks on those gadgets .
Additionally , according to a report by Kaspersky , between Q4 and Q3 of 2023 , attacks using social engineering tactics to defraud people into revealing sensitive information , popularly known as phishing attacks , have increased 70 % in the UAE .
Challenges of IoT security
IoT devices differ from traditional computing devices due to limited processing power and a lack of proper security mechanisms , which presents unique security challenges . In contrast to conventional computing
To reduce the risks of ransomware attacks , it is important to have a multi-faceted approach to IoT security . devices , IoT endpoints are designed for specific functions and often prioritise cost and functionality over security , making them attractive targets for hackers .
Heterogeneity and scale
From simple sensors to complicated industrial machines , the diversity of devices in IoT ecosystems is enormous . The large number of connected devices enhances the attack surface , making it hard to implement uniform security measures .
Resource constraints
Many IoT devices have limited computational resources , which prevent the implementation of strong security features like encryption or regular software updates . These constraints also make it easier for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities .
Insufficient security practices
Oftentimes , default passwords are used , and obsolete firmware is deployed on IOT gadgets , thus increasing vulnerability levels among these devices as easy prey for hackers . Manufacturers prioritise time-to-market over vigorous security testing , leading to built-in flaws in these tools .
Ali Muzaffar , Assistant Professor , Mathematical and Computer Sciences , Heriot-Watt University Dubai
Because of its interconnectedness , a single breach in the system may provide a gateway to an entire network to the attackers . This interconnectedness amplifies the potential damage of ransomware attacks , as critical systems can be paralysed .
Solutions for IoT endpoints
To reduce the risks of ransomware attacks , it is important to have a multi-faceted approach to IoT security . The following are some strategies that can be used to protect IoT devices from ransomware :
Authentication mechanisms
To reduce the risk of unauthorised access , all IoT devices need strong and unique passwords and Multi- Factor Authentication , MFA . Using complex passwords should be encouraged , and password changes in default settings should be mandated .
Firmware updates
It is essential to update IoT devices with firmware and security patches regularly . System producers must , therefore , ensure regular updates so that their
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