Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 107 | Page 35

TRENDING an organisation , such as the climate emergency and natural disasters . Output management needs to be understood along the same lines . Mature organisations are realising that cybersecurity is not solely the IT department ’ s , or the CISO ' s , problem but one that all members of the organisation play a role in tackling . Securing output has to follow the same path .
“ Output management requires end-user administration to have strong capabilities in every discipline , such as database , networking and devices ,” Tucker says .
Mark Chillingworth , European Technology Leadership Writer , Editor and Founder , Horizon CIO Network
CIO Partridge agrees : “ Do your security basics and do them well .” He advises peers to use the security features in document creation tools so that security is set at the document level ; this will prevent unnecessary printing or sharing of sensitive information . “ If you flag a document as confidential , then it cannot be printed , copied or sent on ,” he says .
Regarding security policy , Partridge adds : “ It is education , education , education and give the people in your organisation real-life examples because we call get complacent .”
Digitisation will continue to change business processes . Creation of digital and physical output will continue to be key to business processes . If overlooked , output management could be the open door that a cybercriminal is looking for and lead to significant damage to the business ' s finances and reputation .
Output management , therefore , must be considered as part of the holistic strategy for making the business both more effective and secure .
Organisations cannot afford to consider output management as something outside of their Digital Transformation ambitions or the cybersecurity protections of the business . Creating an effective , secure IT landscape will require greater collaboration and a strategic approach to output management . p
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