Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 107 | Page 87

On the lighter side of things , we ask the industry experts what makes them tick . . . .

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Dr Rahma Beaugrand , Vice President of Customer Advisory and Solutions , Middle East South and Sustainability Ambassador , SAP

dDescribe your current job role and a summary of the business model of the organisation ?

In her dual role as Vice President of Customer Advisory and Solutions , and SAP ’ s Sustainability Ambassador , covering SAP Middle East South , Rahma leads the teams that help enterprises to leverage technology to achieve their business and sustainability goals .
This is her tenth year at SAP , having worked across multiple SAP geographies and diverse business areas including transformation services , the innovation lab , and pre-sales , which has helped to inform her leadership style and approach to her current role .
SAP is a global leader in enterprise applications and business AI , delivering cloud and on-premises solutions on a one-time , subscription or consumption basis through SAP Services or an ecosystem of trusted partners .
What are the strengths and abilities that you brings to the above role ?
In addition to leadership and collaborative skills , Rahma says her passion , constant curiosity and thirst for knowledge are vital as her role is not a conventional 9-to-5 position . Sustainability is a cause very close to her heart , while she also gets immense satisfaction from analysing and solving customers ’ problems .
I am able to make effective decisions thanks to my natural curiosity in speaking to customers and investigating how they operate and the impact they make , while also finding out more about people on my wider SAP team and their viewpoints , strengths and career aspirations .
Please describe the expectations of the end customers that you address . What are their pain points today ?
SAP provides tailored solutions for its customers , and pain points tend to differ geographically . For many countries in her region , particularly the UAE – cloud , AI and Generative AI are top of mind today . Rahma says customers want to know what these technologies can do to future-proof their individual businesses , including how they can leverage AI effectively and responsibly ; the implications for their workforce and training needs ; and how their competitors and industry are approaching AI .
Sustainability is a cause close to her heart , while she also gets satisfaction from analysing and solving customers ’ problems .
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