Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 112 | Page 23

Many organizations still rely on legacy backup as their last-resort cybersecurity option . However , these systems often lack critical security features and are not designed to protect against modern cyber threats . Amongst all the weaknesses and deficiencies of legacy backup , here are a few reasons why it cannot be trusted for cyber recovery :
• Legacy backups are vulnerable to cyber attacks . Organizations that use legacy backup likely have open storage protocols , which can expose their data to unauthorized access and manipulation by hackers . This is particularly problematic when coupled with windows operating systems , and multi-factor authentication that ’ s not deployed or enforced . Without proper authentication and access controls , cyber attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in these systems to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data and compromise an organization ’ s security posture .
• Legacy backups do not provide critical insights or visibility into what data is at risk or what has been affected during a cyber attack . As a result , organizations can ’ t respond promptly and effectively to the incident . The task of determining what data has been lost or compromised can be overwhelming and can take weeks or even months to complete , extending costly downtime . p
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