Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 26 | Page 37

+ EDITOR’S QUESTION ///////////////// NICOLAI SOLLING, CTO AT HELP AG “ I THINK THAT IN COMING YEAR, WE WILL REALLY START TO SEE CLOUD ADOPTION HERE IN THE MIDDLE EAST. WHILE ORGANISATIONS IN THE REGION HAVE ALWAYS BEEN EARLY ADOPTERS OF TECHNOLOGY, THEY HAVE BEEN QUITE HESITANT WHEN IT COMES TO CLOUD. T he volume, scale and complexity of cyber-attacks in 2017 have been truly unmatched. Shamoon 2, Petya, WannaCry, KRACK, and the Equifax breach are all examples of such attacks but they of course present only a snapshot, with the largest majority not getting so much as a passing mention in most media. Unfortunately, we are living in an era in which cyber-attacks will start to challenge how we can utilise technology in the future. Of course, this is extremely disheartening as I believe technology holds the answer to many of the big challenges we are facing in the world. So, there will be a lot of discussion around how to deal with attacks. I also think that we will start discussing privacy and what the roles of nations should be under the umbrella of ‘protecting the greater good’. The big concern I have is that we are living in a time when the techniques used by governments to perform legal interception and investigation of national security concerns are now being exploited by cyber criminals. I think it is time the cyber security industry understood that if we break encryption or build backdoors or even avoid fixing discovered vulnerabilities to allow for easier legal intercept, which in itself can be a good thing, we also open up a profound set of vulnerabilities when these are also discovered by cyber criminals! We saw this most recently with the Petya and WannaCry malwares, which both used vulnerabilities initially discovered by intelligence agencies in the Western world. It is not all gloom and doom though. I think that in coming year, we will really start to see cloud adoption here in the Middle East. While organisations in the region have always been early adopters of technology, they have been quite hesitant when it comes to cloud. But I can really see that this is changing, and adoption is starting to happen. Our industry will undergo fundamental changes as customers transition from CAPEX to OPEX based spending in the future and this will of course impact technology models. I have no doubt that even with its challenges and security concerns, the digital march will steadily gain pace in 2018 and digital transformation will continue to shape the way in which organisations conduct business. The organisations that come out on top however, will be those that factor in cyber security from the onset and constantly evaluate their security posture to keep cyber criminals at bay. n INTELLIGENTCIO 37