With 5G’s theoretical ability to handle in
excess of gigabit speeds, we will see new
applications using virtual and augmented
reality and far more IoT devices that will now
be able to utilise these mobile networks.
For example, 5G’s lower latency and higher
speeds is considered the catalyst to self-
driving cars, remote surgery and smart utility
grids. The higher radio frequencies that will
be utilised for 5G cannot carry information
as far as previous generations, which will
require greater numbers of edge data
centres located closer to the towers. As a
result, we may see some mega data centres
segmenting much of their process power to
multiple edge data centres.
How can the data centre sector
prepare for the future in the
face of constant change?
Choosing the right fibre cable type and
connectivity today can help data centres
prepare for the future. Singlemode fibre
is flexible enough to support both longer
Prem Rodrigues, Director of Sales and
Marketing for Middle East, India and
SAARC at Siemon