INTELLIGENT BRANDS // Software for Business
How suitable is Blockchain
for your business?
Blockchain has been lauded for providing
improved productivity and security for
enterprises and fuelling a large number
of start-up companies focused on specific
industries. While there is no doubt that
Blockchain has the potential to transform
industries across the Middle East, Erik
Johnsson, Chief Architect, Epicor Software,
asks if Blockchain is right for your business.
ost people associate Blockchain with cryptocurrencies such
as Bitcoin. It is the technology that many are built on.
However, Blockchain is now being billed as a technology
that will improve visibility, productivity and security for business.
In fact, some have gone as far as to say that its system for record-
keeping, transparency and verification could replace the role of trust
in our society. So why is it important for businesses in the UAE?
A global realisation has emerged that Blockchains can bring new
efficiencies to commerce and profoundly change how the world
conducts business and interacts with governments. In fact, the UAE