Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 37 | Page 41

////////////////////////// I nfor Talent Science is a patented, cloud-based Predictive Talent Analytics and pre-employment testing solution that can help enterprises place the right job candidates in the right positions. By leveraging large quantities of behavioural and performance data, Talent Science helps businesses through the recruitment process all from a single behavioural assessment. With insights you can customise into predictive models, enterprises can better select, retain, and develop the right talent and even impact the bottom line. Can you explain more about Infor Talent Science? If we look at the trends around Digital Transformation what we are seeing is customers coming to us and saying ‘we know we have to digitally transform but how do we do that?’ We are talking about three key questions: What is it you want your customer experience to be?; Do you have the organisational structure and people to actually achieve that?; and how are you going to harness the data to make sure you have a consistent customer experience? That may be a slightly strange way to start talking about talent but if you look at the key aspect of Digital Transformation, we are talking about how you use the talent you have in the business to drive that customer experience and we have taken that one step further. We now have a talent solution and we are using talent science to help businesses understand who their employees are. So what is it that makes an excellent employee? What is it that makes an employee stay with an organisation? What is it that makes a team work well together? There is not much science that has previously been put in to that so we have worked with MIT to come up with a number of data models that feeds into our data science solution and that is driving very significant changes in how people hire, develop and retain their staff. Jonathan Wood, General Manager IMEA, at Infor “ WE ARE USING TALENT SCIENCE TO HELP BUSINESSES UNDERSTAND WHO THEIR EMPLOYEES ARE. We are seeing retention rates increase by 30% to 40%, we are seeing hiring costs reduce very significantly. That talent science solution is at the heart of enabling the beginning of Digital Transformation. In practical terms how would it help an organisation recruit the right people? This is about profiling an individual that is looking for a role inside your organisation. So they take an online test, it can be done through the web very simply and that data model that we have, creates a report about INTELLIGENTCIO 41