Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 50 | Page 43

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// so if that invoice gets paid in a payment from the first week of every quarter that’s when they’ll craft it to be sent and suddenly it seems like a normal email. Can you explain the concept of the human firewall? So most of the attachments that are opened are due to individuals. So, educating the individual is probably the most important thing to do. So, make them aware of what they should be looking for. The problem with a lot of security awareness programmes is they may be 30 minute presentations or 10 minute videos that you have to watch. Typically people don’t tolerate that sort of information now in that form, so what we do with a lot of end-users now is we use very short punchy videos. We keep it to three or four minutes and we use a lot of humour. So we always deliver the FEATURE: EMAIL SECURITY message in a comedy form. So we actually have a character called Human Error. He’s a funny guy and he will say things like ‘press on the link, don’t worry about your email, put it on a post-it and have the same password for everything.’ So that humour really appeals to people and we’re finding it works incredibly well compared to the traditional presentation and formal training courses. So it’s changed completely. Now, the content is far more consumable and far more effective in terms of measuring how risky your individuals are. I think the other key thing is we’re using real data nowadays. So in the past we used to craft these attacks. They used to be done as penetration tests, or what we call phishing tests. Nowadays, what we do is we take real data that’s coming through that’s targeted at your organisation and we defang it and forward it on to the users. I think the key thing is, is making sure that you’ve got intrinsic value, so that as you’re going through your normal day to day process where your email comes in, that it’s just a natural part of your daily activity. So the users can’t cause any issues, if they press on the link, but we can measure the effectiveness of our training by testing everybody through the organisation and then give them a risk score. So in the same way that the business has a view of risk for financial losses or anything else we can give you a risk of the people inside the business and their prevalence to cyberthreats. How can a company ensure its cybersecurity without becoming a nuisance to the operation of its employees? So for example if you get something through that looks suspicious if you go on to the menu bar of any application, those features are there for you to say ‘this looks like a spam email, can you test it for me?’ So having integrated solutions that are targeted from a user’s perspective is really important. So our products focus very much on having all of that built into the applications that people are using on a day to day basis. n EDUCATING THE INDIVIDUAL IS PROBABLY THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO. INTELLIGENTCIO 43