TRENDING increase in spend , which if directed and managed correctly could translate to a significant advantage in outperforming their peers in growing their mobile app user base and revenues .
“ Justifying return on investment is paramount in the present economic climate . So , while the intent to increase mobile marketing spend is encouraging , it ’ s impact will largely be decided by an organisation ’ s ability to measure the return on investment . This may involve understanding what channels are driving app installs , where loyal customers are coming from , and how customers engage with their brand across the entire journey , regardless of channel ,” said Saad .
“ As Middle Eastern marketers look to measure the effectiveness of their mobile strategies , multi-touch mobile attribution complements existing marketing success metrics , providing businesses with a sum greater than the parts . Measurement use cases coupled with engagement and retention-centric
Justifying return on investment is paramount in the present economic climate . So , while the intent to increase mobile marketing spend is encouraging , it ’ s impact will largely be decided by an organisation ’ s ability to measure the return on investment .
metrics like customer lifetime value , monthly active users and customer retention rate can help marketers take it to the next level , optimising acquisition , retention and the long-term profitability of their mobile marketing campaigns and initiatives .,” said Sheryl Kingstone Research Director , Customer Experience and Commerce at 451 Research , part of S & P Global Market Intelligence . p
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