Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 76 | Page 7



Welcome to the latest edition of Intelligent CIO Middle East . A recent study commissioned by Dell Technologies and conducted by Forrester Consulting titled : Unveiling Data Challenges Afflicting Businesses Around The World has revealed that for most businesses , data has become their most valuable business asset but are overwhelmed with the sheer volume , velocity and variety of data . Based on a survey with 4,036 data decision-makers from 45 locations , including the UAE and Saudi Arabia , the findings build upon the biennial Dell Technologies Digital Transformation Index study , which assesses the digital maturity of businesses around the globe .

In this regard , we continue to cover articles in this edition of the magazine addressing the issue of data , Digital Transformation journeys and digital maturity of companies in the Middle East region .
Gracing the cover of this month ’ s edition is Necdet Türkay , IT Automation and Management Systems Manager , Türk Telekom , who explains how the company ’ s partnership with AppDynamics has eliminated siloes across the organisation , enabling collaboration across 23 departments and strengthened the alliance between different business units through automated monitoring on one integrated application performance management ( APM ) platform .
Among the many insights , Türkay shares that : “ ONOTIO was very responsive , and we got all the answers we needed from them . Their experience level with AppDynamics is very good , and we are glad to work with them . With AppDynamics , we have accelerated issue detection by 70 %, ultimately reducing downtime and service interruptions by as much as 60 % because we can direct tickets to the right place at the right time .” You can read more by turning to page 58 .
Elsewhere in the magazine , we look at Digital Transformation and hear from industry pundits what continued growth for Digital Transformation means for CIOs . You will find this feature on page 40 .
As usual , we have all your favourite features , opinion , insight pieces and analysis articles from the Middle East region . You can also read daily news updates on our website at www . intelligentcio . com / me /.
And kindly , don ’ t forget if you would like to get in touch , please email me at manda @ lynchpinmedia . com .
Once again , I would also like to wish you a great month ahead . Enjoy the read !
“ In order for the project to be successful , it had to be worked with an experienced partner ,” says Türkay .
Manda Banda Editor
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