Avaya and Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise partner to accelerate customers ’ transformation to the cloud
( WEM ) and customer service capabilities to ALE customers .
Avaya will offer ALE Digital Age Networking solutions to its customers , covering the full spectrum of enterprise wired and wireless connectivity technologies with advanced cloud platform services , leveraging the latest in IoT analytics , digital workflow , secure mobility and AI for network automation .
Avaya , a global leader in solutions to enhance and simplify communications and collaboration , and Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise ( ALE ), a leading international provider of communications , networking and cloud solutions have announced a strategic partnership .
The partnership will extend the availability of Avaya ’ s OneCloud CCaaS ( Contact Centeras-a-Service ) composable solutions to ALE ’ s global base of customers while also making ALE ’ s digital networking solutions available on a global basis to Avaya customers .
Through this partnership , ALE will offer Avaya OneCloud CCaaS , which provides advanced AI , identity and security , Workforce Engagement Management
“ We are extremely pleased to partner with Avaya to deliver market-leading CCaaS capabilities to our customers and expand the market reach of our Digital Age Networking solutions ,” said Jack Chen , CEO , ALE . “ The extensibility and composability of the Avaya OneCloud CCaaS platform allows us to work with an ecosystem of industry-leading partners to build with Avaya deeper and more engaging experiences our customers need .”
Palo Alto Networks launches a managed nextgeneration firewall service for AWS
Palo Alto Networks has teamed up with AWS to unveil the new
Palo Alto Networks Cloud NGFW for AWS – a managed Next- Generation Firewall ( NGFW ) service designed to simplify securing AWS deployments – enabling organisations to speed their pace of innovation while remaining secure .
Cloud NGFW for AWS , exclusively available on AWS , brings Palo Alto Networks acclaimed security to organisations ’ cloud deployments in a few clicks . Recognising that customers want to dedicate their time and resources to building applications and running their business instead of managing cloud network security infrastructure , Cloud NGFW for AWS shifts the operational responsibility , including deployment , maintenance , availability and scale , to Palo Alto Networks .
“ A key reason that companies have embraced the cloud is that they want to concentrate on their core competencies and leave other tasks like infrastructure and underlying services to experts like AWS . The native AWS experience and the proliferation of AWS native services have given these organisations the tools they needed to embrace the cloud ,” said Anand Oswal , Senior Vice President , Network Security at Palo Alto Networks .
“ Now , as cyberattacks continue to grow in frequency and sophistication , organisations are looking for network security that is as easy to deploy as other native AWS services . We are thrilled to team with AWS to combine the top-notch security we are known for with the world-class experience people have come to expect from AWS .” p
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