Intelligent CIO Middle East | Page 55

COUNTRY FOCUS : SAUDI ARABIA ansforming ndscape

crucial role , ensuring compliance and fostering trust among stakeholders .
“ With a robust infrastructure , a young technologysavvy population , and government support for digital initiatives , Saudi Arabia is positioned to leverage digital technologies to drive economic growth ,” adds Acronis ’ Ivanyuk .
As Saudi Arabia continues to advance its digital economy , the importance of local data sovereignty is increasingly recognised . Local data centres provide businesses with the infrastructure needed to comply with regulations , enhance security , and drive operational efficiency . By prioritising data sovereignty , organisations can build trust with customers and stakeholders , contributing to the Saudi Arabia ’ s vision of a thriving digital future .
“ The adoption of Artificial Intelligence , within the healthcare industry in Saudi Arabia is increasing rapidly . With its Vision 2030 plan to diversify the country ’ s economy , AI and robotics have emerged as the key technologies to enhance healthcare services , improve patient outcomes , and promote innovation ,” says Mohammed Aldousari , Regional Robotics Lead , PROVEN Robotics .
Digital transformation
Software AG in Saudi Arabia , has adopted a triple strategy to invest in people , partners and alignment with vision . A proof of this is the 37 new logos acquired during the past 18 months , and the company ’ s triple digit growth YoY @ 120 %, in which the new business was at 164 %.
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