Intelligent CIO Middle East | Page 7



Greetings to the readers of Intelligent CIO Middle

East . Talk to any industrial engineer about the
Internet of Things and they will tell you that this has been around for decades . Sensors have been used in industrial systems for ages in order for the equipment to function in a controlled and predictable manner .
But the data relayed from legacy sensors inside legacy industrial equipment functioned as point devices with a very specific function and specific scale of measurement . Industrial equipment kept this data in their specific silos and had no way and no purpose to integrate all the data being generated into a living whole . And if integrated it was through proprietary control systems and networks that created a lock-in with a specific vendor leading to spiralling costs .
Today ’ s Internet of Things generates and transmits an unstructured flow of data through open network platforms that can be aggregated to create a holistic data view of the industrial or engineering system . This could be an aircraft , building , manufacturing plant , vehicle , almost any mechanical system into which digital sensors have been integrated . and behaviour of the physical entity . Essentially , what this means is that enterprises can monitor , evaluate and optimise their assets without getting physically involved .
And in this month ’ s cover feature we present the close synergy between Presight and Dell Technologies to drive the adoption of AI and Big Data in leading public sector and government enterprises inside UAE and the region .
Turn these pages to read more about the adoption of digital transformation across leading regional enterprises .
In this month ’ s Editor ’ s Question , executives from Tenable , SentinelOne , BeyondTrust , Barracuda , Positive Technologies , Infoblox , share their perspectives on the ongoing innovations that are taking place in cyber security solutions reducing complexity and introducing automation .
As we move out of the summer months , we wish you the best of business success in the event packed months ahead .
In our lead feature this month , we consider the close relationship between Internet of Things and digital twins . According to Talal Shaikh at Heriot-Watt University Dubai , digital twins are a virtual replica of something physical , such as machinery or any other industrial structure .
They use real-time data from IoT devices to create an accurate , dynamic model that reflects the condition
Arun Shankar Managing Editor arun @ lynchpinmedia . com
www . intelligentcio . com INTELLIGENTCIO MIDDLE EAST 7