Intelligent CIO Middle East | Page 58

Embracing the transformative power of robotics and AI in healthcare is daunting , yet the potential benefits for healthcare recipients and providers are immense .
Mohammed Aldousari , Regional Robotics Lead ,
PROVEN Robotics
Saudi Arabia announced that technology companies , including Amazon , had pledged to invest $ 10 billion in data centres in the country .
According to a PwC study , most consumers are willing to receive care from these cuttingedge technologies , recognising their capacity to revolutionise healthcare delivery , making it more efficient , prompt , and accessible to all .
As the Saudi Government takes proactive measures to boost employment opportunities for its citizens , the looming impact of robotics and AI in the job market cannot be ignored . There is a firm belief that the Middle East , particularly Saudi Arabia , has the potential to leapfrog ahead of other nations in these groundbreaking technologies .
By hosting data within the Saudi Arabia , organisations can ensure that they adhere to PDPL and other regulatory frameworks , mitigating the risks associated with data breaches and non-compliance .
Proximity to data centres enhances performance and reduces delays , which is critical for businesses that rely on real-time data processing and analytics . Faster access to data enables organisations to make informed decisions quickly , driving operational efficiency .
Local data centres are designed with security measures to protect sensitive data from unauthorised access and cyber threats . Compliance with local laws ensures that data handling practices meet the highest standards of security and privacy .
By investing in local data centres , businesses contribute to the growth of the local economy , creating jobs and fostering innovation . This aligns with the goals of Vision 2030 , which seeks to promote economic diversification and self-sufficiency .
“ Experts in the field assert that the nation can ascend to global leadership in this technology by embracing AI and robotics in the Saudi healthcare sector . This not only addresses gaps in healthcare provision that may be challenging to fill with traditional workforce solutions but also stands as a testament to the inherent superiority of these advanced technologies ,” says PROVEN Robotics ’ Aldousari .
The need for digitisation initiatives in Saudi Arabia ’ s healthcare system arises from various factors . The growing population , increased life expectancy , and prevalence of chronic diseases have put pressure on healthcare resources . To address these challenges , the government is leveraging AI and robotics to streamline processes , optimise resource allocation , and improve patient care outcomes .
The introduction of telemedicine services , AI-powered diagnostics , and robotic assistance in hospitals has helped manage the crisis more effectively while minimising the risk of transmission .
“ While the advantages of local data centres are clear , navigating compliance challenges can be daunting . Organisations must stay informed about evolving regulations and ensure that their data management practices align with legal requirements . This includes implementing data governance frameworks , conducting regular audits , and investing in employee training on data protection and privacy ,” indicates Acronis ’ Ivanyuk .
This is one of the reasons why Acronis is investing in its Academy , offering training and certification programmes for those looking to enhance their cybersecurity skills and knowledge .
AI-powered technologies enable accurate diagnosis , early detection of diseases , and personalised treatment plans . Making proactive healthcare interventions using machine learning algorithms is possible by analysing vast amounts of patient data and identifying patterns .
Integrating robots into healthcare settings can automate mundane and repetitive tasks , allowing healthcare professionals to prioritise more complex patient care activities . Robotic-assisted surgeries , for example , provide greater precision , shorter recovery times , and fewer complications . p
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