Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 112 | Page 28


Bahrain , Qatar , Saudi Arabia , UAE among global top 10 in physical capital

The World Governments Summit unveiled the second edition of the Productivity Potential Index , PPI , created in collaboration with Strategy & Middle East , part of the PwC network . This latest edition builds on last year ’ s launch by expanding its scope to include 60 countries , up from 25 , offering an even more comprehensive look at what drives productivity in today ’ s world .

The Productivity Potential Index , PPI score refers to how each country in the sample is currently positioned to improve its productivity in the future ; it is not a measure of a country ’ s current productivity . With its innovative framework , the PPI redefines how productivity is measured , integrating dimensions critical for our age such as environmental sustainability , wellbeing , innovation , and institutional quality .
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
The report estimates the untapped potential of Gulf Cooperation Council , GCC economies , showing how improving their weakest productivity determinants could accelerate regional GDP growth from 3.5 % to 6.0 %, adding $ 2.8 trillion to the region ’ s GDP over the next decade .
Overall , if all countries in the PPI sample were to improve their weakest productivity indicator to match that of the best-performing peers , it could boost the global economy by $ 87 trillion .
Regionally , Saudi Arabia leads among the GCC countries with the PPI score of $ 69.3 per hour worked , followed by Kuwait , $ 60.8 , Qatar , $ 57.2 , and Bahrain , $ 56.9 . The UAE scored $ 48.7 per hour worked in the analysis .
Notably , Bahrain , Qatar , Saudi Arabia and the UAE rank among the global Top 10 in the physical capital pillar , adding $ 22 – 24 per hour worked to their productivity potential . Physical capital refers to reliable infrastructure , well-maintained equipment , and appropriately applied technologies that all contribute to better productivity .
GCC ’ s success demonstrates how targeted policies and investments in manufacturing , logistics and Internet infrastructure can drive rapid growth across sectors .
Productivity has long been the engine of modern economies , influencing global competitiveness , quality of life , and long-term prosperity . Yet traditional
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