measures often fall short , failing to capture the complexity of 21st-century challenges like climate change , biodiversity loss , social transformation , and aging populations . These outdated tools also look backward , analysing past performance rather than identifying future opportunities .
The Potential Productivity Index is a forward-looking , transformative tool that enables nations to understand their true productivity potential and pinpoint the drivers that can unlock it . The PPI expands traditional metrics , human capital , physical capital , and innovation , to include social capital , natural capital , and institutional quality , offering leaders a modern lens through which to tackle today ’ s challenges .
Analysis shows that non-traditional measures of productivity are shaping the direction of change regionally and globally . Social trust , the quality of institutions and environmental indicators all play a role in driving , or hindering , economic growth . Understanding these mechanisms can enable policymakers to develop effective and targeted solutions .
Powered by a machine-learning model , the PPI combines advanced analytics with the latest academic insights on productivity . Its robustness has been rigorously tested by leading international economists , ensuring its credibility and relevance .
This edition features an online policy simulator which allows users to compare the performance of 60 countries across 19 indicators . The tool provides actionable insights , answering the critical question : What could a country ’ s productivity look like if it fully optimised its resources and capabilities ? p
Source : Productivity Potential Index by Strategy & Middle East
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