How has it allowed you to achieve an
increased level of data availability?
The solution provides quick access to legacy
data backups, since the repository would no
longer be based on tapes (once we complete
full migration).
Rapid recovery capabilities from the solution
assure KFH of delivering information back to
the business units as and when transactional
level information is sought, either internally
or externally (such as the Central Bank).
The ability of accessing legacy backups of
core and transactional systems quickly and
reliably ensure that data is made available to
the business on time and with accuracy.
In what ways does it mean
you can deliver a superior
banking experience?
The ability of accessing legacy backups
of core and transactional systems quickly
and reliably ensures that data is made
available to the business units on time
and with accuracy. Being able to address
data extraction requests from business
and by extension, requests from regulatory
authorities, will ensure that KFH’s businesses
are able to address customer requests (i.e.
historical transaction reports for example),
solve transactions disputes quicker and
ensure industry compliance reliably.
What was the problem with keeping
data on backup tapes and why is the
new system better?
Tapes are magnetic in nature and degrade
over time. Furthermore, regular use of tapes
(even for test extractions) cause degradation
and makes this media type least reliable
in the context of criticality of data and the
nature of the business. The new system
is a disk based data repository for legacy
backups. It is highly evolved and purpose-
built to meet KFH’s demands on legacy data
backup storage and rapid access. Recovery
from tapes would take days or weeks, which
can be done in minutes or hours in the new
system. Additionally, tapes require safe and
physical space that is expensive considering
the number of tapes we have accumulated
over the years.
Why is it important for you to be
able to offer real time data access
and how does the solution let you
achieve this?
Real-time (and near real time) data access
is a key business differentiator. It allows
KFH to re-prioritise its essential resources,
thus enabling us to sharpen our focus on
customers and markets, and to address
the risk mitigation process requirements
much quicker and with greater simplicity.
The new solution addresses the core issue
i.e. petabytes of transactional (historical)
data lying idle on tapes. Data extraction
from legacy tapes forces KFH to use archaic
methods and processes which are no
longer aligned with KFH’s strategy to be
a leading financial services provider in the
countries it operates.
What advantages does having
around the clock availability bring
to you?
We are able to address regulatory data
extraction requests from old backups; run
tests and forecasts on historical data assets
reliably and with predictability; address
KFH’s data loss risk posture with regard to
legacy data backups lying idle on tapes; put
legacy data to use; and address customer
transaction extraction requests in a timely
manner and with ease. n