Machine Learning (ML) to these
data resources and use algorithms to
find patterns in business transactions where
we weren’t even looking for them to drive
new business outcomes. This can be a
virtuous circle because workflows can be
tuned and changed based upon the new
insights uncovered.
The business process you didn’t
know about
The best work processes are very often
the ones that you follow, but that you
didn’t even know about. If we define
digital workflows and build our operational
models around them, then we can increase
productivity and create great experiences for
employees who want to work anywhere and
at any time.
As these new freedoms play out in the
workplace, firms need to think about
the unknown factors. Unbridled and
unrestrained innovation is all very well,
but the problem with custom-built point
solutions is that they often do one thing
well, but fail to provide scope for enterprise-
wide scalability or an ability to integrate
across the entire organisation.
If we think about platform-level
technologies, we can build that innovation
factor into software that is digitally native
to the cloud era and so ready for a more
structured approach. Because these
applications have been built in a digitally
native territory, they will be able to leverage
fully integrated native device capabilities,
such as maps, cameras and so on.
The virtuous circle of workflows lives where, then we can more easily react
to change and uncover new streams of
profitable operation. Digitising workflows
means we can use defined data where
it has the right impact, but also channel
unstructured data to the data lake.
If we hinge our business models around
digital workflows that define what data But even the information in the data
lake need not go to waste – we can apply
A lot of employees have to take actions
throughout the day that move the
organisation forward, but often these
same actions prevent them from doing
high-value work. It’s time to transform old,
manual ways of working into modern digital
workflows, so employees and customers get
what they need, when they need it.
Create a joined-up experience
Kicking off digital workflow initiatives and
getting your transformation started can
be a real challenge and, as a result, many
companies struggle to even start their
efforts. First of all, we all have disjointed
internal systems and processes that make it
hard to connect the dots. Trying to navigate
these can feel like unravelling a ball of yarn,
so the more you learn, the more complicated
they seem.
Once you make sense of the systems
and processes, you have to figure out the
myriad tools and solutions that drive these.
The end result you should be aiming for
is a common, workflow-driven experience
layer that is consistent across the systems
in your organisation.
Your typical company employee might
still be more likely to discuss holiday plans,
managerial peeves and whether or not
the associate in accounts is being a pain
about expense reports, but the water cooler
conversation around ‘how is your workflow?’
is coming. Are you digitally hydrated yet? n