Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 50 | Page 50

COUNTRY FOCUS: KUWAIT price, product and you name it on their devices – everything literally is at their fingertips on their smartphone devices. There are so many apps just available for them to help make choices. Take for example, location-based technology. There are so many of us that use location-services, either driving or walking. Businesses are using it to attract customers at a geo-location with offers, which customers are getting on products and personalised services that enhance their travel and stay experiences. Technology has made an impact on consumer travelling habits. Any business, not only hospitality, can reach customers using technology. They can instantly reply to their queries, instantly confirm a reservation, make payment on-line etc. I cannot think of a business that does not come with an app of its own. How have you been able to utilise technology to improve customer services? The most important role of technology is that it increases the speed of customer interactions. It makes personable services effective. Take for example, data analytics which are so important nowadays. How else would we know about our customers’ behaviours and preferences? We would want them to keep coming back to us by knowing what their expectations are, understanding their problems so we could resolve them quickly and provide tailor-made services. This way we ensure we build a loyal customer base and improve revenue. Social media is another way to improve customer services. It is one of the greatest inventions today. It’s fast, transparent, simple and the most cost-effective way that we can communicate with our customers, be it through blogs, post or Twitter. The best part is that communication channels are open 24/7 without any middle-men. How have the technology requirements of your customers changed over the last few years? With technology, our industry is also changing. From Baby Boomers to the current Millennials, the use of technology differs with each generation. With the advent of technology, many activities that were earlier performed by humans have been replaced by technology. Anita Lobo – Cluster Manager at the Crowne Plaza and Holiday Inn in Kuwait an entire meal from a choice of sauces to spicy tolerance all at the push of a button. Take the simple example of hotel check-in. Some hotels today have already adopted kiosk and mobile check-ins and done away with reception desks. They no longer have to wait in queue for a check-in or even get a room key which is replaced with a mobile key. Even payments are done automatically using e-commerce. In fact, at the Horeca event held in Kuwait, one of the stalls was showcasing concierge and housekeeping bots. They are already making an entry in this part of the world. In a hotel room, a guest can control the temperature, lighting and TV through a mobile app now. Some hotel rooms are also equipped with voice-activated requests for room services. Providing environmentally- friendly services is another area that all businesses including ours are focusing on, besides mobile keys and replacing papers for e-newspapers. In today’s competitive world, our customers have several alternatives. Keeping customer retention and loyalty can be a challenge. It is important to us to have a loyal customer base. Recently I saw a video in a hotel which showcased a robot which actually prepared What are the main technological challenges in the hospitality industry? Then there are the ever-changing technologies that are costly. Deployment of these technologies frequently is not really possible due to cost factors. An efficient hotel technology must be fast and acknowledge any guest request instantly. For a seamless guest experience, responsiveness in technology is also critical. With the hospitality sector facing up to an increase in cyberattacks how can cybersecurity be ensured? Hotel infrastructure must be equipped to secure guest devices and IoT devices accessing hotel networks. Strong policing and protocols should be adopted. All digital interactions with guests must be reinforced with security and privacy rules. Customer data should be protected in the most secure way possible. n 50 INTELLIGENTCIO