Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 53 | Page 45

CIO OPINION include expenses that are incurred and paid monthly or quarterly on a ‘pay as you go’ basis, rather than annually. 2. Reduce, don’t freeze. Focus on costs that can truly be reduced or eliminated, not just frozen for the current period, only to reappear again further down the line. 3. Cash is king. Target those items that will have a real cash impact on the profit and loss statement rather than noncash items like depreciation or amortisation. For example, cost savings in cloud services have a real cash impact, as opposed to reducing on-premises software licenses or owned assets like “ MOST ORGANISATIONS DON’T CUT DEEPLY ENOUGH THE FIRST TIME, WHICH MEANS THEY OFTEN NEED TO REVISIT COSTS AND DO IT AGAIN. hardware. Selling and leasing back assets can provide real cash savings as well. 4. Target unspent and uncommitted expenses. Unless payments (or commitments) can be recovered or prepayments returned the most immediate impact will be on unspent or uncommitted payments. Evaluate contracts for renegotiation and termination clauses. 5. Address OPEX and CAPEX. Typically, operating expenditures (OPEX) are the easiest to impact, but capital expenditures (CAPEX) can also be reduced. Gartner’s IT Key Metrics Data shows that 25% of the average IT budget is spent on capital, so ensure INTELLIGENTCIO 45