We are certainly seeing some shift in focus for new data centre developments with markets in APAC and MENA growing at a rapid rate . These areas are now starting to see the benefits of large-scale developments from the major providers and is something that will continue over the coming years . As these emerging markets start to realise the benefits of having increased connectivity and broader IT infrastructure capacity – this trend is only going to continue .
Power availability , land acquisition challenges , legal proceedings and increased competition make APAC / MENA certainly a more appealing area to develop in the medium term .
This is compounded by challenges in more established and mature markets in the UK and the wider EU . Power availability , land acquisition challenges , legal proceedings and increased competition make APAC / MENA certainly a more appealing area to develop in the medium term . It is not without its own challenges – with resource availability and a vastly different legislation process all things to be considered .
One area that is certainly developing and evolving is the rise in ‘ out of city ’ data centres , specifically within the UK . Increasingly , businesses are no longer as restricted in having to have their data centre in major conurbations like London . As the working world evolves and the quality and size of data centres outside of London improves , businesses can house their infrastructure in more accessible , local sites . This trend is supported by our own developments in the South East and the growing demand for space and colocation outside of London .
We see this development in data centres being more strategically placed around the UK continuing as businesses look for locations that offer greater resilience and reduced risk . Aligned with improved connectivity and increased ‘ remote hands ’ means enterprise customers are seeing saving opportunities without the compromise in performance or standards . There will always be specific industries that require a presence in the major cities , but for many other sectors , that ability to have a ‘ choice ’ that isn ’ t just London is a trend we only see increasing into 2022 . p
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