Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 99 | Page 35


The past year has presented businesses with a relentless array of network demands , spanning enhanced security , speed , and scalability . In 2024 , companies that adapt their network infrastructure stand to reap substantial rewards amid this evolving landscape . Those who transition to the cloud will see Network Access Control , make a significant comeback , synergising with AIOps and aligning more cohesively with cloud applications for more integrated network security and management .

Simultaneously , IoT will witness deeper integration into access points and gateways within network infrastructure in 2024 , enhancing scalability and making IoT integrations fundamental in leveraging the network to boost outcomes .
Another significant development in 2024 will be the evolution of client user experience learning within networking . This advancement will facilitate cross-domain troubleshooting and application integrations , thereby augmenting overall network application performance and culminating in exceptional user experiences .
The trajectory of IoT devices and data-intensive applications , coupled with the rise of AI in both consumer and enterprise markets , will intersect with the shift to Wi-Fi 6E and later , the emergence of Wi-Fi 7 . This convergence marks 2024 as a pivotal year in preparing to deliver consistent , high-performance experiences across devices , connections , and users .
While widespread adoption of Wi-Fi 7 is expected to surge in 2025 , it is crucial for vendors to leverage AIOps immediately to streamline and optimise Wi-Fi networks , capitalising on the expanded 6 Gigahertz spectrum offered by Wi-Fi 6E . Simultaneously , ultra-wideband technologies will evolve from niche to mainstream , integrating into enterprise equipment and ushering in a new era of connectivity characterised by broader bandwidths and accelerated transmission speeds .
Failing to make these strategic advancements will leave vendors lagging behind , necessitating a challenging catch-up effort .
AI represents a monumental leap forward in automation , enabling us to develop solutions capable of performing tasks that previously demanded the cognitive skills of human IT experts . Within networking , AI stands to empower IT engineers significantly – tasks that once consumed hours can now be accomplished within minutes , sometimes even autonomously while they sleep . It is an exciting juncture in networking .
We envision a future where individuals can pivot toward more meaningful work , liberated from the tedious task of poring over endless logs to troubleshoot Wi-Fi issues . This transition is not just pivotal for technological advancement but also crucial for sustaining our economy ' s growth .
The evolution driven by AI is poised to not only streamline processes but also redefine the nature of
The trajectory of IoT devices , data-intensive applications , rise of AI in both consumer and enterprise markets , will intersect with the shift to Wi-Fi 6E and emergence of Wi-Fi 7 .
work , channelling human efforts towards higher-value , creative , and impactful endeavours . p
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