Intelligent CIO Middle East | Page 61

When process bottlenecks happen , they can adversely impact overall business productivity . The worst part is if they happen frequently , they begin to take a heavy toll on the production and service time and quality , seamless communication amongst employees , their quality of work and their working hours .
In most organisations , bottlenecks are identified only after they start adversely impacting the performance of the processes . These bottlenecks , when left unchecked , can lead to much bigger issues such as loss of revenue , time management issues , unmotivated employees , and lack of business growth .
Implementing Process Automation
Process automation is a system that automates repetitive and monotonous manual processes . This enables users to streamline their tasks and workflows across a range of areas and departments . It also enables hassle-free integration of different business operations and systems for enhanced flexibility and ease of use .
More IT leaders and process experts are opting for process automation to simplify enterprise operations and reduce costs . It is framed to enhance employee productivity , improve decision making and help optimise systems , enabling the employees to devote more time to perform higher-value work .
By automating the repetitive and menial tasks , manual intervention is eliminated and this facilitates the employees to focus on more significant and productive activities that can contribute to the overall growth of the organisation .
Automated processes eliminates error , speeds up the completion of tasks , and reduces the total time consumed . This gives organisations the option to enhance process outcomes while keeping the unnecessary cost at bay .
A rigid hierarchy-based process typically involves many employees and stakeholders who mostly depend on email and spreadsheets to manage the workflows . This approach might work when the activities are at the base level . But what happens when the organisation grows and the workflow expands across various departments ?
In such a case , tracking and managing each process manually can get chaotic and complex . With the workflow scattered across , the employees will never know their task progress and would wind up wasting time searching for the status updates .
With process automation in place , the workflows are streamlined and performed consistently until a standard outcome is achieved every time . This proves that process automation is a clear approach for standardisation , ensuring that no critical steps are missed and no documents get lost .
Post implementation benefits
Commenting on the value that this democratisation of IT brings , Chandra said , “ Unlike an off-the-shelf




product , Kissflow as a platform not only streamlines the Quality Assurance process but also many other core processes related to HR , Engineering , IT and more which were manual processes earlier . It is a single solution that caters to all our organisational needs . This saves us a lot of money and eliminates the struggle of managing multiple tools .”
“ Kissflow is easily customisable and is very userfriendly . We are able to visualise workflows and develop them in Kissflow easily . And the development time , compared to other solutions , is less ,” he added .
Pruthvi Jith , the Head of IT at Quest who worked to ensure the smooth implementation of Kissflow , seconded this saying , “ Kissflow is not as complicated as other competitor products in the market . It is also cloud-based with a clean and simple UI .”
Prasanna Rajendran , Vice President EMEA , Kissflow said , “ In deploying our Low-Code platform , Quest has demonstrated how organisations with highly complex and regulated operations can unlock massive efficiencies by digitising and automating their processes . I have no doubt that the solution will go well beyond its initial intended purpose , and translate to new and impactful opportunities for digital transformation across their enterprise .” p
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