CIO OPINION culture in your organisation that pave the way for success with AI .
AI governance structure
Unless this risk was identified , reviewed , and mitigated , that company information could be used to further train the Generative AI ‘ x ’ algorithm and potentially leak private company information publicly .
This first critical step is how we begin our AI journey . It is tempting to jump right in with new technology like Generative AI , but wise to take a step back and structure how to leverage it across your organisation .
Effective AI integration begins with a governance structure . To establish AI governance , you need to define a set of core principles reflecting your organisation ’ s values and covering aspects like data privacy , security , and ethical AI use .
A governance or executive steering committee defines guidelines on how to leverage Generative AI safely and securely . This group should be cross-functional and include top-level executives from business units across your organisation , including representatives from legal and security .
Together , they determine the best tools , platforms , and standards for your organisation , establishing security , privacy , and legal foundations to guide your Generative AI journey .
Without a governing body in place , your business cannot address any potential privacy , confidentiality , or data leakage issues . For example , imagine employees using Generative AI ‘ x ,’ inputting valuable or confidential company information as part of their work .
Legal risks are another growing business concern . Lawsuits are growing against AI companies whose models may include confidential , copyrighted , or proprietary information , and companies that leverage infringing services may also be liable or sued . A governance model works to ensure legal protections are in place . For example , ensuring your agreement with an AI service provider includes a strong indemnity in your Favor will help mitigate your risk exposure if you are sued based on your use of a service provider ’ s AI solution .
Before embarking on an AI journey for your organisation , it is critical to create a governance team or steering committee to oversee the process . The risks and rewards are too great to leave using Generative AI to chance . Remember , governance is not about crushing innovation .
Before embarking on an AI journey for your organisation , it is critical to create a governance team to oversee the process .
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