Intelligent CIO Middle East Issue 99 | Page 33


In 2024 and beyond , the IT industry is expected to see significant innovation , disruption , and transformation . AI is revolutionising HR technology by enhancing search , predictive analytics , and content generation . GenAI , in particular , is expected to excel in creating and summarising content , increasing demand for crafting performance evaluations , and job descriptions , and mapping out career and development trajectories within talent management .

Furthermore , the rise of skills-based hiring and talent management is transforming HR processes . AI ’ s data analysis and job-suitability predictions are refining talent acquisition , aiding in skills-gap analysis , matching skills to jobs , customising learning , and optimising talent placement .
Another key trend is the emergence of data-driven leadership . Organisations are expected to optimise their workforce through AI-driven workforce planning , utilising predictive analytics and talent mapping to forecast future workforce needs .
Amongst the upcoming skills that will be in demand across 2024 , are understanding and leveraging AI for automation , personalisation , and predictive insights will be critical . Proficiency in data analysis , machine learning , and ethical AI implementation will be highly sought-after .
Human-machine Collaboration is the ability to seamlessly partner with AI tools and systems while preserving human judgment and creativity will be crucial . Mastering user experience design , human-inthe-loop AI , and explainable AI will be key differentiators .
The future of talent acquisition demands agility . Gig platforms , internal marketplaces , and flexible teams
will be crucial . Organisations must analyse skill needs , upskill existing employees , and leverage gig talent to fill gaps , creating a dynamic workforce ready for any challenge .
Data security will assume new dimensions . Besides securing data in a hybrid environment , data privacy regulations and AI governance will also emerge as companies navigate evolving threats and ethical data usage . Cloud security and user awareness training may become essential differentiators .
In the IT industry ’ s future landscape , several innovative product categories are expected to emerge by 2024 in the area of human talent management .
Hyper-personalised learning and development will be facilitated by AI-driven platforms tailoring learning paths to individual skills , interests , and career goals , providing unique micro-learning experiences for each employee .
Employee well-being optimisation tools , powered by AI , will analyse employee data to identify potential burnout and stress , offering proactive interventions and personalised support for enhanced well-being and retention .
Talent marketplace ecosystems will connect internal talent with gig opportunities , fostering internal mobility and knowledge sharing , and revolutionising how companies utilise their internal talent pool .
Ethical AI compliance and governance solutions will guide HR teams in complying with evolving regulations and ethical guidelines surrounding AI , ensuring responsible and fair use in hiring and performance management .
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